Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Yay we all are finally finished with blogging and most importantly!.....PAPERS!!! ... Well at least until English 1102 starts! lol I'm still struggling with my final paper but hopefully after my one on one with ms. Marshall I will know what to improve on... and hopefully it will help me finalize my paper once and for all!!! this class definitely helped me improve as a writer! specially the creative part of writing! I cant wait to see my final grade for this class! I'm excited but nervous at the same time. I feel like this paper could either make or break me... well shall see lol. BYE BYE blogg

Our LAST Blog !

I am so excited that this is my last blog for English 1101 and that I dont have to try to remind myself ever week to complete this by Thursday ! Anyway, after having my one-on-one confrence with Mrs.Marshall I knew exactly what I needed to do to get a 'A' on this paper. My "research paper" seems to be lacking in the research part. I plan on visiting the library for my first time tomorrow in hope that they can help me figure out what and where to add research in my paper. After that I plan on visiting the writing center atleast two times before I turn my paper in Tuesday! I am actually feeling really confident that I'm going to get an 'A'. I know what needs to be done and now im about to get'er done ! Love you girls ! (:


Ahhh! Ha this is our last blog entry :)
I am glad that we had the one-on-one time with Ms. Marshall to discuss our final papers. I think that it will really help me when i go to edit my paper. I have realized that one of my week spots is transitions. Reading over my paper I now see how choppy each of my paragraphs are. But luckily, there is nothing extremely wrong with the basis and concepts of my paper, which makes me feel somewhat confident. :)
Overall, I think that my writing has progressed a lot through this semester. I went back and read my first paper and saw many things that I would have done differently. So in the future I know that my writing will continue to get even stronger. Maybe one day I will even learn grammar! But I doubt it... haha I only have to make it through one more semester of english because I am a biology major. It will be great though!
So here's to a great future of imporvement in writing!
Good bye blog :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

First off, I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and I hope everyone enjoys stuffing their face today! I am not sure if we are suppose to do a blog today but hey I'd rather be safe than sorry. Anyways, I am so glad I finished my draft! Such a huge relief. Although I know there are major grammatical errors, I still have time to fix them. I only reached 5 pages which is weird for me because I usually go past the required page length. I realized that I still need to add some paragraphs in and everything so I should have it a little longer before the final draft is due. I am not sure if I did everything correctly though, I pretty much used my own beliefs and knowledge about the topic and found facts to support me. I am not to familiar with research papers, so I hope I did it right! Well, I cant think of anything else to write because I am soooo hungry and can not wait for dinner! ENJOY!!! :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lack of Research

Okay, so I've missed 3 blogs so I must say that I am extremely grateful that Ms.Marshall is letting this one count as a replacement for any missed ones! Now I've only missed 2 and so I will have a 100% as long as I don't miss any more! (: Anyway, so I finished my rough drraft yesterday and I didn't realize the lack of research that i had in my RESEARCH PAPER. I thought that I did a good job before we did the in class exercise that showed me how much more opinion than I had of facts. I'm not that worried though, because I'm looking forward to the student confrences  were I am able to sit with Ms.Marshall and ask her questions and find out how I can better my paper to 'A' material. I also plan on visiting the writing center atleast three times before I turn in my final. I really really really want an 'A' on this paper so I can get a 'A' in this class...and I'm going to do everything that I have to do to get it! (: Happy Thanksgiving girls !


I am so excited for Thanksgiving Break! I have a feeling of relief now that my rough draft is done :) I worked very hard on the rough draft in the hopes that I can get good, helpful feedback so that my final research paper can be that much better. But I am feeling very confident on my paper. Thank you Mrs. Marshall for allowing us to submit an extra blog that can be credited towards a missed blog! I am pretty sure that I am now even in my minimum number of required blogs. Which makes me feel a lot better about my grade in the class! It seems like everything is starting to fall in to place! i regret that I can not have Mrs. Marshall again next semester. I will be going to UGA next semester. I hope I have a good proffesor! Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Progress Finally!

My research paper is finally starting to come together. I'm struggling with the introduction, but I took Ms. Marshall's advice and started on the body paragraphs first.... although that strategy failed before. I finally have something written, so I'm pretty happy about that! I feel like writing so many creative papers for this class left me in the creative mind set, so now I'm struggling with the wording for my research paper. I'm sure after I have people read it and give me feedback the paper will be good. I feel like its slowly coming together, but I know I'm going to have trouble with the papers length. I have written one research paper that long and it did not receive a good grade at all. After a certain length I start getting lazy with my writing and the ending becomes weak and completely off the topic!!! ugh. Hopefully this one wont have the same result! lol

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Slipping up

Ugh! I missed the blog two weeks in a row. What is up with me? If I dont miss anymore then I can still get a 100% so it is all good! I have been so stressed out lately. Research papers are not my thing and I have two due on the same day about two totally different topics. For the KSU one I am not as nervous because I doubt my professor will be grading harshly on grammar. I am nervous for the research paper in this class because my grammar has not improved at all! I really want to have improvement and this is my last chance to do so. Mrs.Marshall also informed me that my teacher for english 1102 is a grammar natzi! Makes me nervous but it also gives me a chance to grow as a writter I am also horrible at finding usable sources. So we will see how this goes! Hopefully I do great on both of them. I really want to end the semester with a BANG! I am going to miss this class though! We have all gotten so close..

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Why do I always forget to do these!!???? I was sitting here working on a research paper that is due for another class and suddenly thought about this. I just have so much going on! I can never remember this thing! So now that I am thinking about it, I am going to write this weeks blog four days early.
I am excited for this final research paper. I have already made a lot of progress on it. Hopefully I will get a good enough grade on this research paper to counteract all of this missed blogs I have had lol. I have to admit I am a little worried about my grade in this class. I know I am not failing or anything like that. But I pretty much have an "A" in all of my other classes. I do not want this class to be the only "A" I do not get because I can't seem remember to write a few paragraphs on the computer. I guess we will see.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Procrastinating once again....

This research paper is worth a lot of our overall grade...and I'm already procrastinating! I've waited till the last minute to do the topic question, thesis and annotated bibliography! I need to get my act together for this last paper and make a lot of time for it!! because it is my last hope for an A in this class! I'm really glad that our last paper is a research paper, because I tend to write better when I have facts to talk about rather then creative writing. I've just read the class announcement that we will work on our papers the whole class time next Tuesday. I'm pretty excited about that, because when I get home I tend to slack more and wait till the last min. Hopefully I'll do good on this paper! I need an A badly!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I've Run Out Of Titles....

So last week I forgot to write my blog, and because that was my 2nd one I refust to miss anymore & have my grade dropped so I'm writing this one early. In my last post I talked about how much I hate writing research papers, however now that I have picked my topic and have some ideas about how this paper is going to go, I am feeling a bit more excited! I have decided to talk about the transition from high school to college. Since this is something that I am still in the process of experiencing I though that it would be a great topic. I am looking forward to learning things as I write this paper as well; I am a huge fan of statistics! I like being able to share facts and information about topics when I am have conversations with people. It makes me look smarter. lol. Anyway, with this new found push of motivation I am about to look up some information. I dont want to wait until the last minute to write this paper, because I really want an 'A' in this class and I'm going to do everything that I have to do to earn it! Hope everyone has a great weekend! (:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Can I get a "Woot woot"?!!

The semester is almost over! YAY! I'm so excited. I can not wait for Christmas and all that good stuff. But the pressure of finals is so overbearing. I am stressing out about this paper so much. Normally I start papers last minute, even research papers. This paper is different. I am starting ahead of time and hopefully my extra effort will pay off. I am passionate about the subject I am writing about and trying to keep my voice and opinion out of my paper has proven to be difficult. It is important that I get a good grade on this paper because of our recent project. I think that we did really well and if we had read the topic a little bit more closely we would have gotten a good grade. But oh well. I can't wait to finish this paper and finish this semester! I had a lot of fun in this class though. "The only constant is change."

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Please don't eat me, I'm just a turkey!"

Can I just tell you guys how excited I am to start this research paper! I love learning!! I am looking forward to writing this paper sooo much! I was kinda sad about our grade that we received on the presentation, but I think we misinterepted the assignment, which is very easy to do when you get over excited about something. That was our flaw- caring TOO much. Nothing we can do about it now though, just do even better on this final paper! It's so sad to think that we are working on our final paper... it seems like just yesterday this class started and we had no idea who each other were. Now, we're all close friends and I hope that doesn't change! I was worried that the previous project would cause some conflicts between each other and break up our friendships because we're all so hard-headed, but I'm sure glad it didn't! I'm so glad it's November though, because it's Thanksgiving time! I will never forget this poem I had to write in fourth grade, it was a persuasive poem from the turkey's point of view of why it shouldn't be eaten. My mom basically wrote the poem for me, but I was sooo proud of it. It was the only project she has EVER helped me with, even to this day. I can almost repeat it perfectly. I have it framed in my bedroom at my mom's house. It is amazing how a peice of literature can have that much of an effect on someone. ANYWAY, I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Low Blow

Wow you guys, I feel so awful about the "C" we got for the visual. I feel like it is all my fault because I took on the responsibility of completing. When I saw the grade it was a complete low blow. I really did think we were going to get an "A" on it. I'm sorry that I didn't meet the expectations. Although I was reminded that we came up with the idea as a group and all agreed on the information that was going to be put on the board. I feel like we misinterpreted the assignment. Personally I felt like our visual was suppose to be an aid for the judges recall back too. I am just so upset because I was really excited about the board and I work really really hard on it. I think we felt that the message we were trying to convey to audiences was obvious to us because we had it in our heads. Hopefully we all kill it on the research paper though. I just feel so discouraged after receiving such a low grade on something we worked so hard on. We were all confident that we were going to ace the project. I am sorry if anyone has any hasty feeling towards me. :(

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Hate Research Papers !!

So, I know that we are starting our research papers tommrow and may I say, I am NOT excited. If anyone knows me, then they know that I hate rearch papers unless it is about something that I am truly interested in. I find it easy to research about something that I am passionate about, but if it is just an assigned topic, I find it tortuous. Hopefully that is not the case with this research paper. Whether I like my topic or not though, I plan on doing my very best because I really want an "A". My first paper was a "B" and my last two have been "A-'s" so I would really hate to go back to a "B" or less. I pretty much plan on living in the Writing Center until this paper is due. :(

Forever & Always :)

So I just saw on the schedule that we are starting on the research paper tomorrow! In a way, I am super excited about this. Statistics and factual proof are more my style. I like writing about events that are nonfiction and proof that is hard to argue with. I am confident in our presentation! I think we did a great job! All of us looked so nice and had everything we needed! We are just awesome. Period. The only thing I don't feel comfortbale with is the bibliography, sometimes I forget how to cite certain things... I hope she gives examples! There is a website I use, I forgot what it was called though. It's like citation machine or something like that. All you have to do is enter the information and it puts it all in order for you. Very conveinant! I don't know what else to type about, so I am just going to write a quick poem for your pleasure. :) We're the best group, it is a matter of fact. Whatever project that is thrown us, with confidence we say "we can do that!" Whenever there is a problem, we always talk it out- because that is what teamwork is all about. We talk about everything from parties, projects and boys. It's easy to say we'll be ANANA forever & always. :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


So I just want to say….I GOT AN A! MY FIRST A! …that’s all!! ( teary eyes..again ). So anyways, I’m happy with the progress we are starting to make with our project! Dividing the project was a great idea! Yall will love the pictures that I printed for the poster board! :] Really bad news tho, I have my regents test on the day of presentation! I have been trying for past 2 weeks to get it rescheduled! But it nothing is changed yet! So I may not be able to do the presentation with yall :[ im sorry! Besides, you guys will do great on the presentation!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10 Miles Ahead, and Success should be on your right :)

I think we are finally getting somewhere!! It's so funny because at the beginning of this project we were so confident that we had the same goal within reach and Yes, we had the same goal but we definitely had different routes in mind to get there. We all have strong personalities and we exceed expectations individually, but it's so hard to collaborate all of our styles and mix them into one. Like I said before, too much estrogen in one group! But today I think was a turning point. We had structure, assigning, and some kind of direction, which was exactly what I think we needed. If we just all put a piece of ourselves into the project we will all be happy :) I just want everyone to be proud of the final product! When do you think we'll be getting our papers back? I asked my dad about the floor plan and he said all you need is some graph paper and a ruler. You can make up everything else. We can draw everything to an exact scale. For every square can equal a square foot, or ten square feet. I like exact measurements, I think it gives us more credibility. ANYWAY, I am STILL confident that success is in our near future. Love you guys! :)


Sooo, as of yesterday I was VERY nervous that we would not be able to have our visual done in time. As of right now, I am VERY confident that we will get this done and it will look great. Our biggest problem has been finding a time and day where all 5 of us could meet up. I'm glad we at least found one day, but wish we could of found more. Although I am glad that we decided to break the project up and then bring it all together. I am nervous about doing the Tri-Fold because I know how strongly opinionated we all our and all have different taste. I just hope that I can put together something that everyone likes! I am also nervous about the presentation part because I do not do well with public speaking, I get nervous and studder. Also Ive noticed that my chest gets really red which can be embarrassing so Ill make sure I do not have a low cut shirt haha. I am anxious for our written argument grades tomorrow. I worked so hard on this paper and changed it multiple times, deleting and added paragraphs. Sorry Mrs. Marshall for the 5 pages..opps. In the process of going from a rough draft to the final draft, I normally do not change much. This time I feel like a dramatically changed it every time I worked on it, which was a lot! I do not want to sound superstitious but I'm nervous that this change in work habit will effect my streak of "A's." Wow that sounds lame but whatever! I really hope our project turns out the way we planned.


The title of this post is called compromising because, I feel that we have all had to do that in this past class session. I realize that we are a group of five very opinionated girls. We're all used to being the leader and organizer when it comes to working with groups of people. Therefore, that made it a little more challenging to complete the visual part of our presentation. I'm not very worried about the outcome of our project. I am very confident that we will all pull our weight and make this an "A" worthy project. I believe that since we had our little rough patch, only good things can come from here. I'm not happy that we wasted almost an entire class period to get it together, but sometimes that's what it takes. I'm also glad that we are all friends on facebook since that seems to be our main source of communication. Although, I always tend to catch the end of you all's LONG conversations ! (:

Thursday, October 14, 2010


We have been doing sooooo well with our project. Today did get a little scary though! everyone had ideas on how to design the poster (but me because I'm not artistic at all!!) and we had hard time deciding how to create the title. (who know all the stuff that I brought would make it that much harder to create one! it was suppose to help!!! lol) I personally love the way the title turned out! (great job Ash! ) I'm also a little scared because we don't have the lay out of all the information about our organization yet! I do think it will flow a lot smoother if we get all the information that we need to talk about first and the focus on the design after! But I knowwww either way it will be done! and will look sha-mazing!!!! by the way...thats "im scared" pumpkin :)

Theres always gonna be another mountain.

Today, oh gosh.. today. Although we did not physically get much accomplished, we made progress as a group. Usually when we work together, everything goes smoothly and perfectly. Today we all had a huge problem with how we were going to make the title and what colors to use. It seems silly to fight about it but when you think about how each one of us girls have leadership qualities; so it only makes sense that there will be some sort of problem. I am use to always taking charge with group projects and especially when it comes to "artsy" projects. I am strongly opinionated and it was hard for me to state my opinion and then feel like it was disregarded. I think it was really bugging me that we never have time to all meet and when we were giving a class day, we couldn't make up our minds. I did not want to seem bossy so I tried to hold back and let other people take charge but it was really hard for me. Although I am happy with the final title, I do not like how we had to act to get there. This post all seems very negative but I think I am just venting from earlier. On a more positive note, I do think this little disagreement was necessary for us girls to really come together as a group. I feel like The Climb by Miley Cyrus depicts how today went; "There's always gonna be another mountain, I'm always gonna wanna make it move. There's always gonna be an uphill battle, sometimes I'm gonna have to lose." I cant even express how true that is! We will all have problems and will want them to disappear but the only way to get rid of them is to work through them, which is what we did in class. I apologize if I got angry or frustrated today, it is just something I need to work on. I still love all of you girls and cant wait to see how all our personalities shine through on this project!


I love working in our peer workshop group and coming together to do this project. I love working with all of you girls. You are all awesome. Today was difficult for me. Typically when I work in groups with people I am always the one that takes charge of everything, which is fine with me. I have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and I like to do things my way. It does not help that I was raised an only child and never had to deal with sharing as a kid. I am not obsessive about EVERYTHING, just certain things such as things that are peeling, lines, colors and food. So it was a big accomplishment for me today when I was able to stay calm through the trifold process and let other people take over. I know that I will not always be able to get things my way through my adult life so it would be good for me to finally get used to it. When I am faced with situations where I am not in control I tend to show physical side effects; I realize this sounds very strange but I normally begin shaking. I did not experience that today. I think this project is good for me, not only to strengthen my writing, but also as a person. Thanks girls.

Shopping !!!

I have been having so much fun working with my group.  We got to spend some bonding time together this past weekend when we went shopping for supplies for our project at Wally World! I thought that it would be really frustrating trying to shop with 5 girls and agree on the supplies and materials that we actually needed vs. materials that we just wanted to glam up our visual.  However, the shopping part was really easy. The harder part however was when we started to work on our visual. Trying to organize and think up ideas that we all agreed on was a little challenging. In the end, we came up with a lot of great ideas and I am looking forward to presenting our ideas to the class and earning an 'A' with my team ! (:

Together as Perfection. :)

Our visual argument is going to rock everyone's socks off. I love how close we have gotten as a group too, strictly due to how much work we have done together. We have all learned how to trust each other and be comfortable around each other. We know that whatever characteristic we personally lack, the others in our group will make up for. Like I said when we went to Wal-Mart, individually no one is perfect, but as a group we can make perfection. I know we will work well as team, as proven in previous assignments. All that is left is seperating topics for whom to discuss. I love the small details we have all provided for the project, we have a little peice of ourselves within the assignment. The most difficult part will be the blueprint. I hope we can come up with a way to make it look as professional as possible. Other than that, I am so confident that we will succeed! :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Things are coming along!

Finally, I feel confident about my final draft! I was not confident at all about my rough draft and changed it many many times. Which I will admit, I do not do often. Usually, I write my rough draft and it is semi- set in stone. I do make a few grammatical corrections that my peers suggest but I do not usually change the whole paper. For this particular assignment, I felt like it was necessary to constantly change, edit, and add to my paper. Since we all had to find some common ground with important decisions regarding our project, I had a lot to change. The more and more I realized that I had to go back and fix my paper, the less confident I became. After completely finishing the final draft, I am finally proud of my work. I have noticed throughout these three papers I have slowy improved on my on overall writing! On a nother note, I am excited to work on our visual tomorrow and am glad we can get a head start on it. See you girls at 11 tomorrow :)

How much is too much?

When we first began this project, I was really struggling. I am the kind of person who works off of facts, so having to make up my own was so difficult because I didn't know if the information I was presenting was realistic. In return, I did SOOO much research just to make sure that my paper made sense! Luckily, my dad used to work in construction so his rough estimates helped a lot. I have typed and re-typed lots of rough drafts, but I think I am finally content with the last one. I don't think I can possibly get more specific. But how much is too much? But I'd rather have too much than not enough. I am so excited to see the production of our visual. I have already drawn out the tri-fold numerous times. haha! The best part will be the... OH! I almost spilled the beans... I forgot Ms. Marshall reads these. She's going to be totally suprised :) I really am so glad that I have the best peer group EVERRRR. Next semester will be even better! If we are already THIS good, imagine how amazing we'll be next semester! Anyway, I hope you girls have a wonderful day, and enjoy this beautiful fall weather! :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I am feeling extremely confident about our most recent paper about our group organizations. I did not recieve a lot of edits from my peer workshop which I consider to be a good thing. I have begun to recognize the errors that I normally make in my write and go back and fix them. When we did the first peer workshop my paper was lit up with red marks and cross-outs because of all the things that were wrong with it. I can see a differrence in my writing from when we first began English 1101. If you had asked me in high school to write a five page paper I would have looked at you like you had five heads. But now I can very easily write that amount.
For some reason, lately I have found a lot of inspiration from nature. Maybe it is because of the recent change in weather. While I was editing my Visual Arguement paper, i would go and bring my laptop outside when i got stuck. Something about the fresh, crisp air. I am definitely glad for the new season and can not wait to utilize it for fighting against "writer's block." I cannot wait to get into organizing the presentation and creating the visual for this project we are working on. It will be fun!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Coming Together (:

I really enjoyed the peer editing today in class. I'm actually kind of sad that it was our last one. I have found that when you do peer editing the right way it can be very benefical. I also liked working with my group and brainstorming ideas about the oral and visual part of our project. I think that we came up with alot of great ideas, and I'm super excited to see what our final project looks like. I think the class is going to be surprised about how much energy and effort we put in our project. As usual, I must say that I love my group ! I have the four best girls in the class to work with ! (:

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I thought I was going to do really well on this paper. I had so many ideas that I wanted to talk about. And the ideas I didn't have I actually did research! But, by the time I finished talking about all my ideas the paper was 2 pages. I feel like in my writing I'm barely improving. I didn't get an A on my last paper. I really put a lot of thought into it and had plenty of help, so it was a discouragement in a way! The fact that this paper is worth a lot more then the previews papers has me freaked out! I really need to improve this first Draft! I'm going to add more to the length, organize it better, and explain it more in depth. I cannot wait to start our visual. Everyone has great ideas!!

I Feel Like I'm Growing

So today our Visual Argument draft's were due. I feel like my confidence as a writer is growing. I find that when I begin writing a paper now, I don't feel as confused or stressed anymore. I try to note and pre-write what it is that I want my paper to be about before I start it. I liked being able to come up with all of the information that was presented in my argument. I'm really looking forward to the visual and oral part of the project with my group. I feel like we have come up with a good organization and that we are going to have fun creating the other aspects of our presentation. (:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Personally Formal or Formally Personal?

After already typing the paper, (trust me, it was a struggle) Ms. Marshall emailed me back about the template she had provided, which actually made the paper easier to occupy space! However, now most of my paper is meaningless facts due to the feeling of wanting to fill all the space before. So I have many paragraphs that neeed to be cut out and edited. I also had another paper due in my KSU class for our Civic Engagement project which I did not know the key details until tonight. So that was TWO major papers due tomorrow that I was not able to start until after work tonight. Oh goodness, I love college. (Said with full sarcasm.) The paper this week was difficult to write due to the sole purpose of not knowing who to address, whether or not to make it formally personal, or personally formal? Like that play on words? :) I have never had to write a business proposal so I did not really know what to expect. I was most nervous about going over the limit because then I knew for sure I used way too many meaningless facts. It seems like you just can't win these days! This post seems really negative, but I love the fact that I have something to vent to. I've also learned to just be comfortable and appreciative of the grades I earn. As long as I try my hardest, that's all that matters. My mom has always said to me "NEVER SETTLE!" And that's what I thought I was doing whenever I would be satisfied with the grade I received, but in return that meant I was never satisfied because I always wanted more. But now, I'm okay with it. I'm comfortable with my own personal best. Thanks to my English Class :)

Stuck at a stand still!

When I first started working on the written part of our project, I felt really good about it. I brainstormed and jotted down enough ideas to fill up a full notebook paper. Then I started typing up a storm, until I got stuck. I was very confused on how to address this paper to the finance/grant organization. Also I feel like this proposal should be formatted as a letter but I do not think that was the assignment. Now, two pages in; I'm at a lost for words. Yesterday after being stuck I decided to call it a day and hoped that more ideas would come to me today. I guess I will just have to find a way to lengthen it and make it a grade"A" paper! Wish me luck :) On another note, I have some great ideas on the visual part!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Missing Out

I really feel like I am missing out a lot not being in the classes this week!! :’( …(don’t get me wrong, myrtle beach is great) I’m looking forward to getting my essays grade! Seeing that everyone in my group got a really good grade, it makes me nervous but at the same time excited. I’m really missing out on my project! I really want to know who my group members are! I am a little nervous about the presenting part of the project though, but it seems like I will have a lot of time to prepare for it! I cannot wait until Tuesday, so I can catch up with everyone about the things that I missed. : ]

Great Mood! :)

Today I could not be in a better mood! After getting my paper back I was so happy to see that I got another "A". The only thing that worries me about getting two "A's" in a row is that I am going to be extremely disappointed in any other grade. Although I am not worried about the Midterm project because I could not of had a better group assigned to me! I feel confident in the girls and my ability to exceed the expectations of this project. I feel like we will all have a great time with this project and it will allow us to get our creative juices flowing. Another reason why I am ecstatic right now is because I just got my Anthropology midterm grade and also Aced it! This is great news to me after hearing my Precal and Chemistry exam grades, which were awful. I feel like nothing could bring down my mood and I could just keep typing and typing! Anyways, I look forward to this weekend for multiple reasons. I am finally getting my hair done, I have an interview with an advertising company that pays great and to top it all off, my birthday is Saturday! So next time I see you girls, I will be finally 18 and will have short hair. :) Everyone enjoy your weekend!

Looking up!

Things are looking up! We got our argument papers back today in class and I am extremely ecstatic because I got an "A" on the paper. I really think that just since the beginning of this class my writing as dramatically improved. It used to be that I could sit down in front of a computer and stare at a blank Microsoft Office Word document for hours before I was able to figure out what to write. Now I can simply sit down and just start rambling off words off of the tip of my tongue. I am also happy that I received an "A" because it will bring up my average. I often forget or do not have time for the blog entries and I am going to do my best from here on out to remember to do an entry every Thursday.

Sitting Here In Class ! :D

So I'm sitting here in class, and I'm super excited about this group midterm project that we get to do together. I feel like as soon as she presented the assignment, that a bunch of ideas popped into my head. I know that my group is a group of extremely intelligent women, and that we work very well together. I'm looking forward to working on the oral and visual parts of this project with my group. I can def. see an "A" in our future.
Also, I just got my paper back & I'm so glad that my hard worked paid off. Now this paper makes me want to work harder to get an "A+" ! (:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Order in the Classroom!!... I mean Court! :)

There are so many stubborn and thick-headed peolpe in our classroom. There are also some very strong-willed and opinionated people in our class. The mock trial was the perfect way to capture ALL of our attention! It was such a fun class activity and the desire to win was so obvious. Nobody likes to lose an argument so the ambition was sky-high. I, personally, spent a lot of time wording my argument because I did not want to sound ignorant or uneducated about the subject. That is probably one of my biggest pet-peeves. Ignorance drives me crazy! It was also interesting the way one statement made by a person on either side changed the whole meaning of the argument, making them gain/lose credibility. I also loved the creativity everyone showed. Adding in details, evidence, and supporting statements said by opposing clients made the class humerous and easy to enjoy. There are so many different personalities in this class bu there are groups of similar ones. If that makes any sense. The similar personalities group together and stand their ground for a common cause. I am so lucky to have the girls closest to my personality type all in my peer group! For the first time this semester, it was easy to just relax and laugh at ourselves in class. My KSU teacher is always saying, "Wherever you are, be there." With this statement, it was SO easy to be in class Tuesday. I did not have to strive to focus, it just happened. I was actually interested in what was going on! This is my favorite class, by far, this semester.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I was so happy when I finished my paper! I have been worrying about every little detail that I needed to fix, that it was driving me crazy! The grade from my last paper made me work a lot harder this time. I decided to go to the writing center for extra help. I was very nervous about my paper because in the previous paper I had trouble with the paragraph/sentence transitions and organization. This time around that was my main focus! In the writing center, the tutor and I focused on the issues. He was very helpful with the overall paper. I am still little worried though… last paper wasn’t as good as I thought it, so I feel like even though I think my paper is good it won’t be again. Ugh! Papers are so frustrating!


I am really anxious to get our papers back! I feel so relieved that we finally turned it in and I am very satisfied with the final draft. I am hoping for another "A" and think it would be awesome if our whole group all got the same grade. I know that everyone has the potential! I am nervous to see my grade because usually when I feel like I did really well on somthing, I get a bad grade (and vis-versa). I know it is going to be a long week waiting to find out my grade. It also will be an even longer class period when Ms.Marshall tells us that we will get our grades back at the end of the class. In the mean time, I am going to try and enjoy my weekend! I hope everyone does that same and does not worry to much about their grade. :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Working hard or hardly working?

Can I please just tell you guys how hard I have worked on this stinkin' paper?! Haha! I have woken myself in the middle of the night because a great idea has summoned me! As crazy as it sounds, simple papers like this mean A LOT to me and I really hope this final outcome exceeds expectations. I have made every person I know read this paper in hopes of them finding an error that I can correct. Wow.. in hopes of them finding an ERROR? I really have gone crazy. I feel a little more confident then last time in my understanding of the assignment. Instead of reading the overview that she posts, I just started typing in my last paper. This time I set everything up, put it into place, and typed in a very flowing manner; hoping to God and everyone else that it would just make sense! I hope all of you guys had a good experience with this assignment. I could tell that you all worked hard as well! I love it when people truly genuinely CARE. I think that makes the world of difference, and you can really tell when someone is writing about something of which they are passionate. His/her voice just shines right through it! Anyway, I cannot wait to recieve the results from this paper, wishes of A's for everyone!! :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I was please with the grade I received on my first paper. I agreed with overall comments on what I need to improve on. I always had hard time with transitions in the paragraphs. I plan to improve by the end of the course. I was having a lot of trouble with my argument essay. I misunderstood the direction of the assignment. I actually wrote my paper over and had to stay up until 5am to complete it. I'm nervous about the final outcome and what my group members will critize. I do plan to go to the writing center this week and work on it until I feel confident. :]


I will admit that after the class we had last Tuesday about the first essay, I was extremely nervous! As you guys knew, I was very frustrated with with the draft and was not very confident about it. After hearing all the constructive criticism that Mrs. Marshall gave us about our essays, I kept getting the feeling that I did it all wrong. As she handed me my paper I was so shocked to see that I got an A! I was so relieved, proud, and excited! Her commentary made me feel so good about myself because she wrote things like "beautiful transitions and flowed wonderfully." Now that I have the first paper out of the way, I feel more confident about my ability to write. I know that I need to work on my spelling and grammar but that will come with practice. Every free write, exercise and draft I feel like I am slowly becoming a better writer. Although, I must say that when writing the last draft I was rambling on and do not know how organized everything was. I really would like a lot of feedback with this essay to help me better myself as a writer!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I just submitted my draft with hopes of a better grade this time. To be completely honest with you guys, I was so disappointed with my last grade. I wanted to cry! As silly as it may sound. I worked so hard with this draft. My goal was perfection. I sent you all the paper and I hope I get a TON of feedback on what to improve. I have been stressing myself out entirely too much over this paper strictly due on my grade of the previous paper. I have honestly written FOUR rough drafts in competition of which one was better. Writing has always been my escape from the world, but this last paper turned it into my enemy. I know this sounds so negative and awful, but I guess I really just needed an opportunity to vent! In the last draft, I think I only used two quotes!!! Which is a great improvement for me. I basically live by quotes. If y'all could see my bedroom you would know exactly what I mean. I have gone through at least three notebooks of my favorite quotes written out. & I send, what my friends like to call, the good morning message to over 300 people daily!! I have been doing this since my 8th grade year. It is just an inspirational quote that I share with everyone to get their day started right. If yall would like me to add you to the list, just let me know! :) anyway, I hope this last draft is pure success.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Argument Essay

Okay, so I just finished writing my Argument Essay rough draft. I decided to try the web pre-writing technique that we learned in class the other day, and I feel soooooo GREAT about my paper ! I broke down all of the questions that she told us to discuss in our essay, I wrote answers and supporting details to each, and then organized it based on how I wanted it in my paper. I then did something I haven't done in a while, I hand wrote my rough draft before typing it. I realized that this way I didn't feel like my work was final, and I was able to get friends input and use pen to make corrections on my own paper. After doing all of that I then typed my paper which only took me about 20 minutes, because my paper was already done. Im really looking forward to you guys reading and peer reviewing my paper, becuase I feel really confident about it this time ! I hope you guys enjoy reading it & hopefully I get an "A" this time ! (:

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pre-Writing !

I'm really glad that in class we're focusing on prewriting because that is something that I don't do very often, and it actually helps when writing a paper. When I do prewrite sometimes, I usually do the bubble/web type setup. I am really good at picking a topic and coming up with general ideas. Coming up with supporting details is sometimes the hard part. I am learning how to organize my thoughts better on paper before I even begin writing, in hopes that my papers come out better !

On this blog I really want to talk about a particular free write we did in class. It really meant a lot to me and I actually enjoyed writing the little bit that I did. I feel like what I wrote in the few minutes that we had was fairly well written and I would very much appreciate some feedback on it just to better my own writing. PLEASE comment and let me know what I can fix! Anything from grammatical errors to changing the language that it is written in.
"Everywhere you look pop-culture is trying to mold society's mind into what it sees fit. Billboards with little-clothed, skinny, blonde women. Magazines advertising makeup to young women to make them look beautiful. Television to tell young men they are not built enough. Most of society goes about their everyday lives unbeknownst to the leech living inside their head. Telling them what to do, how to act and what to wear. A select few rise above and think for themselves. Immanuel Kant, a famous philosopher, once referred to thinking for oneself as Enlightenment. He described Enlightenment as being something only for the strong-willed. Kant expressed his hopes that someday society will become Enlightened as a whole and come out from under the shadow of pop-culture."
I just recently studied this topic in my Philosophy class and I think that that is what inspired me to write something that I thought was meaningful. Have a good day girls!


At first, I was a very unhappy with my draft and felt like I did not fulfill the assignment's requirements. I was frustrated at it and was nervous about my group members reading my paper because of the criticism I would get. Turns out that they all had great things to say about my paper, and made me realize that I need to be proud of my work. Although I may not be satisfied with it, others may find joy in reading it. I got really positive review with the exception of a few minor errors. I now know that I should write with confidence and not second guess my work. I am glad that we got to read others papers and have them read ours! I also know that I have a long way to go with my grammar and spelling but I realize that it will get better the more I write. I am going to try to write more often in proper English, instead of facebook/texting slang. When people write proper they come of more intellegent and less lazy. Therefore, I am going to do my best to practice my grammar and spelling through normal means of communication!

Passion :)

My experience with writing this week could be summed up with one word: passion. Ralph Waldo Emerson said "Passion, though a bad regulator, is a powerful spring. Because writing is an outlet for me, I do not mind doing it. There are always day when I have no motivation, but once I finally start a paper, I am so glad that I did. It gives me a sense of accomplishment, of productivity. I feel like I used this God-given day for a purpose. This week I wrote a total of about five papers that are all due today, so wish me luck girls! In all of my papers, I try to include a meaningful quote that sit right in, like a cherry upon the top. But I found a quote today, basically saying "I live my life for me, not through other's quotations." It really hit me kind of hard, because I have always been a quote-junkie. Whether preaching them, or taking them as my own advice. Is it bad to take advice from quotes? Oh Jeeze, now the over-analyzation process will take over... We're supposed to be learning about a new paper today called the "My Argument." I hope it will be a fun one; I love persuasive papers! Well have a great day! :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Hola :]
time to bloggg...again...
so the readings we are assigned to do seem like they will be very helpful to future writing assignments. writing arguments based on facts and reason is something i am actually good at.. rather then creative writing. Even tho i struggle with creative writing I feel like I did pretty well on our first essay, "It Speaks to me". I was really happy about all the feed back my group members gave me. They were very helpful. One of the things I have noticed that I need to improve on in my essays is the organization. Brainstorming, by just writing few thoughts in bullet points, will really help.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


It was very hard to fine the time to work on the assignment, because of my two jobs. When I did find the time, I couldn't focus on it at alllllll. I really feel like I could have done a lot better with it. Over all I really enjoyed doing the assignment and reading everyone’s paper!


I did not feel confident in the rough draft that I wrote for the "It Speaks To Me" essay. I had such a difficult time picking the song because I enjoy music so much and could not narrow down my decision. Looking back on it, I felt like I should have picked a different song. Possibly "Mr. Officer" by Citizen Cope? Who knows.
So I am supposed to edit these papers for "organization and clarity"..... I do not consider myself a strong writer. How am I supposed to be able to edit someone elses paper when I do not even feel confident in my own writing skills? I think this class is going to be difficult for me. I enjoy writing but only about what I want to write about. I think that we should be allowed to write about things other than class and class assignments on this blog.
With recent happenings in my life, writing is going to be a lot more difficult for me to do. The voice that comes out in my writing usually reflects how I am feeling. I am not very good at hiding my emotions. However I will try my best to write with a level head and stay focused on the task at hand.
Oh and if it is not too much to ask I would really really appreciate it if someone were to look over my rough draft for "organization and clarity." If not, it is no big deal since im supposedly supposed to be an "expert" on the subject.
I am hoping that this class will teach me a lot more about writing. I am a very good reader but for some reason I have difficulty putting my thoughts into words. I am actually struggling right now to come up with these 250 words we have to write.
Nevermind!! I just did a word count... over 250. woo! goodnight girls.

Variety is the key to perfection! :)

I just love writing, in general. I love grammar and I love expressing my ideas, thoughts, and theories. I really enjoyed this project because I listen to so many different varieties of music and choosing what genre was probably the most difficult task of this assignment. My top choices were "Born to Fly" by Sara Evans, "Crash into Me" by Dave Matthews, and "Wait 'til You See My Smile" by Alicia Keys." With listening to such a broad choice of music, I never become annoyed by over-played songs. I always have a different play-list playing every week. So while having the predicament of choosing which song to dissect in this paper, I had ALL of my play-lists on repeat until I found a song that had a certain spark, or literally "spoke to me!" I feel confident with my choice and how relatable it is to the experiences that have been a part of my journey thus far in life.I love songs that give you power and self-assurance. Alicia Keys is someone I really admire and I love being able to show how much she truly inspires. She constantly gives to society and affects people's lives on a daily basis. I find it quite incredible! I hope I recieve positive feedback and suggestions on how to make my writing effective in the Peer Review! I am kind of a perfectionist when it comes to grammar, so I hope no one is offended by my corrections or suggestions. Oh, & if it is not too much of a hassle would someone please check my paper for grammatical misusage as well? Thanks girls! :)


Although the first essay "It Speaks to Me" should have been fairly easy since it was about me, I found that I had a hard time with it. I feel like it was not one of my best writing moments and it truly frustrated me. I think I have a difficult time expressing what something means to me in essay format. I am usually one to always organize my papers in a tri-thesis format but I could not find a way to carry that out through this assignment. I feel like my paper was very unorganized and my thoughts were scattered. With that being said, I really hope the Peer Review will help me drastically improve my paper. I cant wait to hear what everyone has to say!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Music is my Passion ! ♥(:

I really enjoyed writing the "Speaks To Me Essay". Music is probably one of my biggest passions. I listen to different types of music all day everyday. No matter what song I'm listening to, I always feel like there is some type of feeling that the artist is trying to get me to feel. When I listen to Babyface, Brian McKnight, or Robin Thicke I feel kind of lovey dovey butterflies in my tummy type mood. Where when I listen to Gucci or 2pac I feel really hype and happy. On the other hand when I listen to Joss Stone and Paramore I feel really chill and calm. For my essay I picked Micheal Jackson's song "Man In The Mirror", because I feel that the song had alot of meaning to it. Im a HUGE Micheal Jackson fan because his music is able to make me feel every emotion. Sometimes I feel angry from listening to his songs, while other times I feel curious or happy. All in all , I really enjoyed writing an essay on something that I can easily relate to and love, music ! (: