Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I am so excited for Thanksgiving Break! I have a feeling of relief now that my rough draft is done :) I worked very hard on the rough draft in the hopes that I can get good, helpful feedback so that my final research paper can be that much better. But I am feeling very confident on my paper. Thank you Mrs. Marshall for allowing us to submit an extra blog that can be credited towards a missed blog! I am pretty sure that I am now even in my minimum number of required blogs. Which makes me feel a lot better about my grade in the class! It seems like everything is starting to fall in to place! i regret that I can not have Mrs. Marshall again next semester. I will be going to UGA next semester. I hope I have a good proffesor! Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on UGA girl ! You will be missed. I too am extremely grateful about Ms.Marshall letting us do any extra blog, no I've only missed 2. Things are definitely starting to fall into place! Happy Turkey Day! ((:
