Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10 Miles Ahead, and Success should be on your right :)

I think we are finally getting somewhere!! It's so funny because at the beginning of this project we were so confident that we had the same goal within reach and Yes, we had the same goal but we definitely had different routes in mind to get there. We all have strong personalities and we exceed expectations individually, but it's so hard to collaborate all of our styles and mix them into one. Like I said before, too much estrogen in one group! But today I think was a turning point. We had structure, assigning, and some kind of direction, which was exactly what I think we needed. If we just all put a piece of ourselves into the project we will all be happy :) I just want everyone to be proud of the final product! When do you think we'll be getting our papers back? I asked my dad about the floor plan and he said all you need is some graph paper and a ruler. You can make up everything else. We can draw everything to an exact scale. For every square can equal a square foot, or ten square feet. I like exact measurements, I think it gives us more credibility. ANYWAY, I am STILL confident that success is in our near future. Love you guys! :)

1 comment:

  1. WAYYY different routes to get there! I'm sure we will all be very proud of the final product. You got the floor plan girl! You are all into ethos and perfection. Just make sure the measurements are able to be seen from a far!
