Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Please don't eat me, I'm just a turkey!"

Can I just tell you guys how excited I am to start this research paper! I love learning!! I am looking forward to writing this paper sooo much! I was kinda sad about our grade that we received on the presentation, but I think we misinterepted the assignment, which is very easy to do when you get over excited about something. That was our flaw- caring TOO much. Nothing we can do about it now though, just do even better on this final paper! It's so sad to think that we are working on our final paper... it seems like just yesterday this class started and we had no idea who each other were. Now, we're all close friends and I hope that doesn't change! I was worried that the previous project would cause some conflicts between each other and break up our friendships because we're all so hard-headed, but I'm sure glad it didn't! I'm so glad it's November though, because it's Thanksgiving time! I will never forget this poem I had to write in fourth grade, it was a persuasive poem from the turkey's point of view of why it shouldn't be eaten. My mom basically wrote the poem for me, but I was sooo proud of it. It was the only project she has EVER helped me with, even to this day. I can almost repeat it perfectly. I have it framed in my bedroom at my mom's house. It is amazing how a peice of literature can have that much of an effect on someone. ANYWAY, I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

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