Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sitting Here In Class ! :D

So I'm sitting here in class, and I'm super excited about this group midterm project that we get to do together. I feel like as soon as she presented the assignment, that a bunch of ideas popped into my head. I know that my group is a group of extremely intelligent women, and that we work very well together. I'm looking forward to working on the oral and visual parts of this project with my group. I can def. see an "A" in our future.
Also, I just got my paper back & I'm so glad that my hard worked paid off. Now this paper makes me want to work harder to get an "A+" ! (:


  1. I had so many ideas too :) very excited to pick something interesting and fun to write about.

  2. I cant wait to get together and work on this project! All of our personalities mix so well together and I feel like we will create something truly amazing! Aldo great job on your "A"! :)
