Thursday, October 14, 2010


We have been doing sooooo well with our project. Today did get a little scary though! everyone had ideas on how to design the poster (but me because I'm not artistic at all!!) and we had hard time deciding how to create the title. (who know all the stuff that I brought would make it that much harder to create one! it was suppose to help!!! lol) I personally love the way the title turned out! (great job Ash! ) I'm also a little scared because we don't have the lay out of all the information about our organization yet! I do think it will flow a lot smoother if we get all the information that we need to talk about first and the focus on the design after! But I knowwww either way it will be done! and will look sha-mazing!!!! by the way...thats "im scared" pumpkin :)

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