Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Ahhh! Ha this is our last blog entry :)
I am glad that we had the one-on-one time with Ms. Marshall to discuss our final papers. I think that it will really help me when i go to edit my paper. I have realized that one of my week spots is transitions. Reading over my paper I now see how choppy each of my paragraphs are. But luckily, there is nothing extremely wrong with the basis and concepts of my paper, which makes me feel somewhat confident. :)
Overall, I think that my writing has progressed a lot through this semester. I went back and read my first paper and saw many things that I would have done differently. So in the future I know that my writing will continue to get even stronger. Maybe one day I will even learn grammar! But I doubt it... haha I only have to make it through one more semester of english because I am a biology major. It will be great though!
So here's to a great future of imporvement in writing!
Good bye blog :)

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