Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Slipping up

Ugh! I missed the blog two weeks in a row. What is up with me? If I dont miss anymore then I can still get a 100% so it is all good! I have been so stressed out lately. Research papers are not my thing and I have two due on the same day about two totally different topics. For the KSU one I am not as nervous because I doubt my professor will be grading harshly on grammar. I am nervous for the research paper in this class because my grammar has not improved at all! I really want to have improvement and this is my last chance to do so. Mrs.Marshall also informed me that my teacher for english 1102 is a grammar natzi! Makes me nervous but it also gives me a chance to grow as a writter I am also horrible at finding usable sources. So we will see how this goes! Hopefully I do great on both of them. I really want to end the semester with a BANG! I am going to miss this class though! We have all gotten so close..

1 comment:

  1. grammar nazi?! dang, I'm glad i dont have her! I would fail the class!
