Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Argument Essay

Okay, so I just finished writing my Argument Essay rough draft. I decided to try the web pre-writing technique that we learned in class the other day, and I feel soooooo GREAT about my paper ! I broke down all of the questions that she told us to discuss in our essay, I wrote answers and supporting details to each, and then organized it based on how I wanted it in my paper. I then did something I haven't done in a while, I hand wrote my rough draft before typing it. I realized that this way I didn't feel like my work was final, and I was able to get friends input and use pen to make corrections on my own paper. After doing all of that I then typed my paper which only took me about 20 minutes, because my paper was already done. Im really looking forward to you guys reading and peer reviewing my paper, becuase I feel really confident about it this time ! I hope you guys enjoy reading it & hopefully I get an "A" this time ! (:


  1. I did the exact same thing, with hand-writing before typing. I think it actually helped a lot!! Having all my ideas on paper and being able to mark through them or circle them personally made a huge difference!

  2. Im glad that you are so confident and happy with your work! Pre-writing on paper sounds like a great idea!
