Thursday, September 2, 2010


At first, I was a very unhappy with my draft and felt like I did not fulfill the assignment's requirements. I was frustrated at it and was nervous about my group members reading my paper because of the criticism I would get. Turns out that they all had great things to say about my paper, and made me realize that I need to be proud of my work. Although I may not be satisfied with it, others may find joy in reading it. I got really positive review with the exception of a few minor errors. I now know that I should write with confidence and not second guess my work. I am glad that we got to read others papers and have them read ours! I also know that I have a long way to go with my grammar and spelling but I realize that it will get better the more I write. I am going to try to write more often in proper English, instead of facebook/texting slang. When people write proper they come of more intellegent and less lazy. Therefore, I am going to do my best to practice my grammar and spelling through normal means of communication!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your paper ! I too have a problem with writing in facebook language instead of proper English! A couple of the papers I read were so thorough and detailed. I hope that by the end of the semester that I too can be viewed as a great writer and that people enjoy reading my writings ! Keep up the good work ! :)
