Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I just submitted my draft with hopes of a better grade this time. To be completely honest with you guys, I was so disappointed with my last grade. I wanted to cry! As silly as it may sound. I worked so hard with this draft. My goal was perfection. I sent you all the paper and I hope I get a TON of feedback on what to improve. I have been stressing myself out entirely too much over this paper strictly due on my grade of the previous paper. I have honestly written FOUR rough drafts in competition of which one was better. Writing has always been my escape from the world, but this last paper turned it into my enemy. I know this sounds so negative and awful, but I guess I really just needed an opportunity to vent! In the last draft, I think I only used two quotes!!! Which is a great improvement for me. I basically live by quotes. If y'all could see my bedroom you would know exactly what I mean. I have gone through at least three notebooks of my favorite quotes written out. & I send, what my friends like to call, the good morning message to over 300 people daily!! I have been doing this since my 8th grade year. It is just an inspirational quote that I share with everyone to get their day started right. If yall would like me to add you to the list, just let me know! :) anyway, I hope this last draft is pure success.

1 comment:

  1. Im sorry about your last paper hun. But dont get down on yourself too much. We're all students just trying to develop as better writers. I really enjoyed reading your paper if that makes you feel any better. I do understand your dissapointment though, I myself am a bit of a perfectionist. Good Luck on this next paper ! I'm sure I will enjoy thisone just as much, if not more.
    One of my close college friends actually sends me an inspirational quote every morning, but you can NEVER have enough inspiration in your life so add me please ! (: I will give you my cell number in class.
