Thursday, November 18, 2010

Progress Finally!

My research paper is finally starting to come together. I'm struggling with the introduction, but I took Ms. Marshall's advice and started on the body paragraphs first.... although that strategy failed before. I finally have something written, so I'm pretty happy about that! I feel like writing so many creative papers for this class left me in the creative mind set, so now I'm struggling with the wording for my research paper. I'm sure after I have people read it and give me feedback the paper will be good. I feel like its slowly coming together, but I know I'm going to have trouble with the papers length. I have written one research paper that long and it did not receive a good grade at all. After a certain length I start getting lazy with my writing and the ending becomes weak and completely off the topic!!! ugh. Hopefully this one wont have the same result! lol

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