Thursday, November 4, 2010

Can I get a "Woot woot"?!!

The semester is almost over! YAY! I'm so excited. I can not wait for Christmas and all that good stuff. But the pressure of finals is so overbearing. I am stressing out about this paper so much. Normally I start papers last minute, even research papers. This paper is different. I am starting ahead of time and hopefully my extra effort will pay off. I am passionate about the subject I am writing about and trying to keep my voice and opinion out of my paper has proven to be difficult. It is important that I get a good grade on this paper because of our recent project. I think that we did really well and if we had read the topic a little bit more closely we would have gotten a good grade. But oh well. I can't wait to finish this paper and finish this semester! I had a lot of fun in this class though. "The only constant is change."

1 comment:

  1. i agree girl. thats why im doing my paper on nursing because thats something i want to do and it's interesting to me. hopefully that will make this paper go by faster and easier!
