Thursday, October 21, 2010


So I just want to say….I GOT AN A! MY FIRST A! …that’s all!! ( teary eyes..again ). So anyways, I’m happy with the progress we are starting to make with our project! Dividing the project was a great idea! Yall will love the pictures that I printed for the poster board! :] Really bad news tho, I have my regents test on the day of presentation! I have been trying for past 2 weeks to get it rescheduled! But it nothing is changed yet! So I may not be able to do the presentation with yall :[ im sorry! Besides, you guys will do great on the presentation!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, I cant get over how you keep saying that this is your first 'A'. I kept wanting to ask "ever?". Lol. Anyways, the presentation turned out really good. I think that in the end everyone pulled their weight and that the project overall was a success. I know that you still have to present since you had to take the Regents Exam, so good luck when you present tommrow. (:
