Thursday, October 7, 2010

How much is too much?

When we first began this project, I was really struggling. I am the kind of person who works off of facts, so having to make up my own was so difficult because I didn't know if the information I was presenting was realistic. In return, I did SOOO much research just to make sure that my paper made sense! Luckily, my dad used to work in construction so his rough estimates helped a lot. I have typed and re-typed lots of rough drafts, but I think I am finally content with the last one. I don't think I can possibly get more specific. But how much is too much? But I'd rather have too much than not enough. I am so excited to see the production of our visual. I have already drawn out the tri-fold numerous times. haha! The best part will be the... OH! I almost spilled the beans... I forgot Ms. Marshall reads these. She's going to be totally suprised :) I really am so glad that I have the best peer group EVERRRR. Next semester will be even better! If we are already THIS good, imagine how amazing we'll be next semester! Anyway, I hope you girls have a wonderful day, and enjoy this beautiful fall weather! :)


  1. I think it's so funny how we're completely opposite. I love writing creative papers. I prefer to make things up instead of researching facts and statistics. The good things is that your research paper is going to be really good!

  2. You always crack me up Allison! I am excited to see the final project and work on this tomorrow! Hopefully we all have 1102 together!
