Thursday, September 9, 2010


I will admit that after the class we had last Tuesday about the first essay, I was extremely nervous! As you guys knew, I was very frustrated with with the draft and was not very confident about it. After hearing all the constructive criticism that Mrs. Marshall gave us about our essays, I kept getting the feeling that I did it all wrong. As she handed me my paper I was so shocked to see that I got an A! I was so relieved, proud, and excited! Her commentary made me feel so good about myself because she wrote things like "beautiful transitions and flowed wonderfully." Now that I have the first paper out of the way, I feel more confident about my ability to write. I know that I need to work on my spelling and grammar but that will come with practice. Every free write, exercise and draft I feel like I am slowly becoming a better writer. Although, I must say that when writing the last draft I was rambling on and do not know how organized everything was. I really would like a lot of feedback with this essay to help me better myself as a writer!

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