Thursday, September 2, 2010

On this blog I really want to talk about a particular free write we did in class. It really meant a lot to me and I actually enjoyed writing the little bit that I did. I feel like what I wrote in the few minutes that we had was fairly well written and I would very much appreciate some feedback on it just to better my own writing. PLEASE comment and let me know what I can fix! Anything from grammatical errors to changing the language that it is written in.
"Everywhere you look pop-culture is trying to mold society's mind into what it sees fit. Billboards with little-clothed, skinny, blonde women. Magazines advertising makeup to young women to make them look beautiful. Television to tell young men they are not built enough. Most of society goes about their everyday lives unbeknownst to the leech living inside their head. Telling them what to do, how to act and what to wear. A select few rise above and think for themselves. Immanuel Kant, a famous philosopher, once referred to thinking for oneself as Enlightenment. He described Enlightenment as being something only for the strong-willed. Kant expressed his hopes that someday society will become Enlightened as a whole and come out from under the shadow of pop-culture."
I just recently studied this topic in my Philosophy class and I think that that is what inspired me to write something that I thought was meaningful. Have a good day girls!

1 comment:

  1. I like how you took what your learning in another class, and tied it in with this class. I see where your coming from, but in my opinion I belive that hiphop culture is simply inspiring people to dress or look a certain way. I know that many young people feel that they are not good enough sometimes, just because they dont look like celebrities or famous influences, but to me I take it as ideas that I could get from these people rather than trying to mold myself to be like them. It makes me want to look and feel great about myself by being beautiful. You did a great job though girl ! I respect your opinions ! (:
