Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lack of Research

Okay, so I've missed 3 blogs so I must say that I am extremely grateful that Ms.Marshall is letting this one count as a replacement for any missed ones! Now I've only missed 2 and so I will have a 100% as long as I don't miss any more! (: Anyway, so I finished my rough drraft yesterday and I didn't realize the lack of research that i had in my RESEARCH PAPER. I thought that I did a good job before we did the in class exercise that showed me how much more opinion than I had of facts. I'm not that worried though, because I'm looking forward to the student confrences  were I am able to sit with Ms.Marshall and ask her questions and find out how I can better my paper to 'A' material. I also plan on visiting the writing center atleast three times before I turn in my final. I really really really want an 'A' on this paper so I can get a 'A' in this class...and I'm going to do everything that I have to do to get it! (: Happy Thanksgiving girls !

1 comment:

  1. I feel that I do not have much research either, but Mrs.Marshall said it was okay to use our own thoughts and beliefs.
