Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Stuck at a stand still!

When I first started working on the written part of our project, I felt really good about it. I brainstormed and jotted down enough ideas to fill up a full notebook paper. Then I started typing up a storm, until I got stuck. I was very confused on how to address this paper to the finance/grant organization. Also I feel like this proposal should be formatted as a letter but I do not think that was the assignment. Now, two pages in; I'm at a lost for words. Yesterday after being stuck I decided to call it a day and hoped that more ideas would come to me today. I guess I will just have to find a way to lengthen it and make it a grade"A" paper! Wish me luck :) On another note, I have some great ideas on the visual part!


  1. I completely understand where you are coming from! It was definitely difficult to get things rolling and I think that was only because we had a lack of knowledge on the subject. We just had to make things up as we went.

  2. I feel completely opposite of you. I feel like this paper was easy to approach and that's probably because I saw her format before I started so I already had a heads up on how to present my information. I'm sure your paper will be great as usual though. I'm looking forward to looking at the differences that we all come up with between our papers. And I cant wait to her your visual ideas ! (:
