Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Personally Formal or Formally Personal?

After already typing the paper, (trust me, it was a struggle) Ms. Marshall emailed me back about the template she had provided, which actually made the paper easier to occupy space! However, now most of my paper is meaningless facts due to the feeling of wanting to fill all the space before. So I have many paragraphs that neeed to be cut out and edited. I also had another paper due in my KSU class for our Civic Engagement project which I did not know the key details until tonight. So that was TWO major papers due tomorrow that I was not able to start until after work tonight. Oh goodness, I love college. (Said with full sarcasm.) The paper this week was difficult to write due to the sole purpose of not knowing who to address, whether or not to make it formally personal, or personally formal? Like that play on words? :) I have never had to write a business proposal so I did not really know what to expect. I was most nervous about going over the limit because then I knew for sure I used way too many meaningless facts. It seems like you just can't win these days! This post seems really negative, but I love the fact that I have something to vent to. I've also learned to just be comfortable and appreciative of the grades I earn. As long as I try my hardest, that's all that matters. My mom has always said to me "NEVER SETTLE!" And that's what I thought I was doing whenever I would be satisfied with the grade I received, but in return that meant I was never satisfied because I always wanted more. But now, I'm okay with it. I'm comfortable with my own personal best. Thanks to my English Class :)


  1. I feel the same way about the paper! At first I was struggling to extend it three pages, then I stuggled with keeping it only 3 pages!

  2. I'm very glad that you are feeling better about your grades. I feel like you are becoming an even better writer then what you were when we first started this class. And I'm sure that was a very stressful night...hope you got enough sleep.
