Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Order in the Classroom!!... I mean Court! :)

There are so many stubborn and thick-headed peolpe in our classroom. There are also some very strong-willed and opinionated people in our class. The mock trial was the perfect way to capture ALL of our attention! It was such a fun class activity and the desire to win was so obvious. Nobody likes to lose an argument so the ambition was sky-high. I, personally, spent a lot of time wording my argument because I did not want to sound ignorant or uneducated about the subject. That is probably one of my biggest pet-peeves. Ignorance drives me crazy! It was also interesting the way one statement made by a person on either side changed the whole meaning of the argument, making them gain/lose credibility. I also loved the creativity everyone showed. Adding in details, evidence, and supporting statements said by opposing clients made the class humerous and easy to enjoy. There are so many different personalities in this class bu there are groups of similar ones. If that makes any sense. The similar personalities group together and stand their ground for a common cause. I am so lucky to have the girls closest to my personality type all in my peer group! For the first time this semester, it was easy to just relax and laugh at ourselves in class. My KSU teacher is always saying, "Wherever you are, be there." With this statement, it was SO easy to be in class Tuesday. I did not have to strive to focus, it just happened. I was actually interested in what was going on! This is my favorite class, by far, this semester.


  1. I love this! I enjoyed reading it and being your "court case buddy." :)

  2. I see exactly what you mean. I really loved the mock trial experience. In previous years, I've only been involved in debates. Mock Trail was fun because there was no arguing. I to loved how creative some people got, including some of the reactions to rebuttals. I also love me group. I think our group is composed of the best 5 people in the class! (:
