Thursday, September 30, 2010


I thought I was going to do really well on this paper. I had so many ideas that I wanted to talk about. And the ideas I didn't have I actually did research! But, by the time I finished talking about all my ideas the paper was 2 pages. I feel like in my writing I'm barely improving. I didn't get an A on my last paper. I really put a lot of thought into it and had plenty of help, so it was a discouragement in a way! The fact that this paper is worth a lot more then the previews papers has me freaked out! I really need to improve this first Draft! I'm going to add more to the length, organize it better, and explain it more in depth. I cannot wait to start our visual. Everyone has great ideas!!

1 comment:

  1. I see where you coming from. Although you didn't get an 'A' on your last paper I feel like you are improving as a writer. Your second paper was a lot better detailed and organized than your first. I'm glad that your motivated to do better though. Keep your head up and don't quit working hard. (:
