Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Although the first essay "It Speaks to Me" should have been fairly easy since it was about me, I found that I had a hard time with it. I feel like it was not one of my best writing moments and it truly frustrated me. I think I have a difficult time expressing what something means to me in essay format. I am usually one to always organize my papers in a tri-thesis format but I could not find a way to carry that out through this assignment. I feel like my paper was very unorganized and my thoughts were scattered. With that being said, I really hope the Peer Review will help me drastically improve my paper. I cant wait to hear what everyone has to say!


  1. i agree with you ! i enjoyed the assignment and i think that my message got across to any readers i have, but i also feel like it was unorganized and a bit scattered. i hope to get some good feedback that will help me improve it on thursday though !

  2. Your paper is great! There was no need to get frustrated! Be happy with your work and proud of it! :)

  3. Thanks girls, this is why I am so glad we have the peer review! I am also glad I have such a great group that can really help me improve!
