Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I am feeling extremely confident about our most recent paper about our group organizations. I did not recieve a lot of edits from my peer workshop which I consider to be a good thing. I have begun to recognize the errors that I normally make in my write and go back and fix them. When we did the first peer workshop my paper was lit up with red marks and cross-outs because of all the things that were wrong with it. I can see a differrence in my writing from when we first began English 1101. If you had asked me in high school to write a five page paper I would have looked at you like you had five heads. But now I can very easily write that amount.
For some reason, lately I have found a lot of inspiration from nature. Maybe it is because of the recent change in weather. While I was editing my Visual Arguement paper, i would go and bring my laptop outside when i got stuck. Something about the fresh, crisp air. I am definitely glad for the new season and can not wait to utilize it for fighting against "writer's block." I cannot wait to get into organizing the presentation and creating the visual for this project we are working on. It will be fun!

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean! This weather is so perfect! It's easy to find inspiration from nature, because the air is just clear and you can't drown in your own thoughts! love it! :)
