Thursday, September 2, 2010

Passion :)

My experience with writing this week could be summed up with one word: passion. Ralph Waldo Emerson said "Passion, though a bad regulator, is a powerful spring. Because writing is an outlet for me, I do not mind doing it. There are always day when I have no motivation, but once I finally start a paper, I am so glad that I did. It gives me a sense of accomplishment, of productivity. I feel like I used this God-given day for a purpose. This week I wrote a total of about five papers that are all due today, so wish me luck girls! In all of my papers, I try to include a meaningful quote that sit right in, like a cherry upon the top. But I found a quote today, basically saying "I live my life for me, not through other's quotations." It really hit me kind of hard, because I have always been a quote-junkie. Whether preaching them, or taking them as my own advice. Is it bad to take advice from quotes? Oh Jeeze, now the over-analyzation process will take over... We're supposed to be learning about a new paper today called the "My Argument." I hope it will be a fun one; I love persuasive papers! Well have a great day! :)

1 comment:

  1. Girl, you really do love witting! That's awesome and am inspired by your passion.
