Saturday, November 6, 2010

I've Run Out Of Titles....

So last week I forgot to write my blog, and because that was my 2nd one I refust to miss anymore & have my grade dropped so I'm writing this one early. In my last post I talked about how much I hate writing research papers, however now that I have picked my topic and have some ideas about how this paper is going to go, I am feeling a bit more excited! I have decided to talk about the transition from high school to college. Since this is something that I am still in the process of experiencing I though that it would be a great topic. I am looking forward to learning things as I write this paper as well; I am a huge fan of statistics! I like being able to share facts and information about topics when I am have conversations with people. It makes me look smarter. lol. Anyway, with this new found push of motivation I am about to look up some information. I dont want to wait until the last minute to write this paper, because I really want an 'A' in this class and I'm going to do everything that I have to do to earn it! Hope everyone has a great weekend! (:

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