Thursday, September 30, 2010


I thought I was going to do really well on this paper. I had so many ideas that I wanted to talk about. And the ideas I didn't have I actually did research! But, by the time I finished talking about all my ideas the paper was 2 pages. I feel like in my writing I'm barely improving. I didn't get an A on my last paper. I really put a lot of thought into it and had plenty of help, so it was a discouragement in a way! The fact that this paper is worth a lot more then the previews papers has me freaked out! I really need to improve this first Draft! I'm going to add more to the length, organize it better, and explain it more in depth. I cannot wait to start our visual. Everyone has great ideas!!

I Feel Like I'm Growing

So today our Visual Argument draft's were due. I feel like my confidence as a writer is growing. I find that when I begin writing a paper now, I don't feel as confused or stressed anymore. I try to note and pre-write what it is that I want my paper to be about before I start it. I liked being able to come up with all of the information that was presented in my argument. I'm really looking forward to the visual and oral part of the project with my group. I feel like we have come up with a good organization and that we are going to have fun creating the other aspects of our presentation. (:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Personally Formal or Formally Personal?

After already typing the paper, (trust me, it was a struggle) Ms. Marshall emailed me back about the template she had provided, which actually made the paper easier to occupy space! However, now most of my paper is meaningless facts due to the feeling of wanting to fill all the space before. So I have many paragraphs that neeed to be cut out and edited. I also had another paper due in my KSU class for our Civic Engagement project which I did not know the key details until tonight. So that was TWO major papers due tomorrow that I was not able to start until after work tonight. Oh goodness, I love college. (Said with full sarcasm.) The paper this week was difficult to write due to the sole purpose of not knowing who to address, whether or not to make it formally personal, or personally formal? Like that play on words? :) I have never had to write a business proposal so I did not really know what to expect. I was most nervous about going over the limit because then I knew for sure I used way too many meaningless facts. It seems like you just can't win these days! This post seems really negative, but I love the fact that I have something to vent to. I've also learned to just be comfortable and appreciative of the grades I earn. As long as I try my hardest, that's all that matters. My mom has always said to me "NEVER SETTLE!" And that's what I thought I was doing whenever I would be satisfied with the grade I received, but in return that meant I was never satisfied because I always wanted more. But now, I'm okay with it. I'm comfortable with my own personal best. Thanks to my English Class :)

Stuck at a stand still!

When I first started working on the written part of our project, I felt really good about it. I brainstormed and jotted down enough ideas to fill up a full notebook paper. Then I started typing up a storm, until I got stuck. I was very confused on how to address this paper to the finance/grant organization. Also I feel like this proposal should be formatted as a letter but I do not think that was the assignment. Now, two pages in; I'm at a lost for words. Yesterday after being stuck I decided to call it a day and hoped that more ideas would come to me today. I guess I will just have to find a way to lengthen it and make it a grade"A" paper! Wish me luck :) On another note, I have some great ideas on the visual part!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Missing Out

I really feel like I am missing out a lot not being in the classes this week!! :’( …(don’t get me wrong, myrtle beach is great) I’m looking forward to getting my essays grade! Seeing that everyone in my group got a really good grade, it makes me nervous but at the same time excited. I’m really missing out on my project! I really want to know who my group members are! I am a little nervous about the presenting part of the project though, but it seems like I will have a lot of time to prepare for it! I cannot wait until Tuesday, so I can catch up with everyone about the things that I missed. : ]

Great Mood! :)

Today I could not be in a better mood! After getting my paper back I was so happy to see that I got another "A". The only thing that worries me about getting two "A's" in a row is that I am going to be extremely disappointed in any other grade. Although I am not worried about the Midterm project because I could not of had a better group assigned to me! I feel confident in the girls and my ability to exceed the expectations of this project. I feel like we will all have a great time with this project and it will allow us to get our creative juices flowing. Another reason why I am ecstatic right now is because I just got my Anthropology midterm grade and also Aced it! This is great news to me after hearing my Precal and Chemistry exam grades, which were awful. I feel like nothing could bring down my mood and I could just keep typing and typing! Anyways, I look forward to this weekend for multiple reasons. I am finally getting my hair done, I have an interview with an advertising company that pays great and to top it all off, my birthday is Saturday! So next time I see you girls, I will be finally 18 and will have short hair. :) Everyone enjoy your weekend!

Looking up!

Things are looking up! We got our argument papers back today in class and I am extremely ecstatic because I got an "A" on the paper. I really think that just since the beginning of this class my writing as dramatically improved. It used to be that I could sit down in front of a computer and stare at a blank Microsoft Office Word document for hours before I was able to figure out what to write. Now I can simply sit down and just start rambling off words off of the tip of my tongue. I am also happy that I received an "A" because it will bring up my average. I often forget or do not have time for the blog entries and I am going to do my best from here on out to remember to do an entry every Thursday.

Sitting Here In Class ! :D

So I'm sitting here in class, and I'm super excited about this group midterm project that we get to do together. I feel like as soon as she presented the assignment, that a bunch of ideas popped into my head. I know that my group is a group of extremely intelligent women, and that we work very well together. I'm looking forward to working on the oral and visual parts of this project with my group. I can def. see an "A" in our future.
Also, I just got my paper back & I'm so glad that my hard worked paid off. Now this paper makes me want to work harder to get an "A+" ! (:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Order in the Classroom!!... I mean Court! :)

There are so many stubborn and thick-headed peolpe in our classroom. There are also some very strong-willed and opinionated people in our class. The mock trial was the perfect way to capture ALL of our attention! It was such a fun class activity and the desire to win was so obvious. Nobody likes to lose an argument so the ambition was sky-high. I, personally, spent a lot of time wording my argument because I did not want to sound ignorant or uneducated about the subject. That is probably one of my biggest pet-peeves. Ignorance drives me crazy! It was also interesting the way one statement made by a person on either side changed the whole meaning of the argument, making them gain/lose credibility. I also loved the creativity everyone showed. Adding in details, evidence, and supporting statements said by opposing clients made the class humerous and easy to enjoy. There are so many different personalities in this class bu there are groups of similar ones. If that makes any sense. The similar personalities group together and stand their ground for a common cause. I am so lucky to have the girls closest to my personality type all in my peer group! For the first time this semester, it was easy to just relax and laugh at ourselves in class. My KSU teacher is always saying, "Wherever you are, be there." With this statement, it was SO easy to be in class Tuesday. I did not have to strive to focus, it just happened. I was actually interested in what was going on! This is my favorite class, by far, this semester.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I was so happy when I finished my paper! I have been worrying about every little detail that I needed to fix, that it was driving me crazy! The grade from my last paper made me work a lot harder this time. I decided to go to the writing center for extra help. I was very nervous about my paper because in the previous paper I had trouble with the paragraph/sentence transitions and organization. This time around that was my main focus! In the writing center, the tutor and I focused on the issues. He was very helpful with the overall paper. I am still little worried though… last paper wasn’t as good as I thought it, so I feel like even though I think my paper is good it won’t be again. Ugh! Papers are so frustrating!


I am really anxious to get our papers back! I feel so relieved that we finally turned it in and I am very satisfied with the final draft. I am hoping for another "A" and think it would be awesome if our whole group all got the same grade. I know that everyone has the potential! I am nervous to see my grade because usually when I feel like I did really well on somthing, I get a bad grade (and vis-versa). I know it is going to be a long week waiting to find out my grade. It also will be an even longer class period when Ms.Marshall tells us that we will get our grades back at the end of the class. In the mean time, I am going to try and enjoy my weekend! I hope everyone does that same and does not worry to much about their grade. :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Working hard or hardly working?

Can I please just tell you guys how hard I have worked on this stinkin' paper?! Haha! I have woken myself in the middle of the night because a great idea has summoned me! As crazy as it sounds, simple papers like this mean A LOT to me and I really hope this final outcome exceeds expectations. I have made every person I know read this paper in hopes of them finding an error that I can correct. Wow.. in hopes of them finding an ERROR? I really have gone crazy. I feel a little more confident then last time in my understanding of the assignment. Instead of reading the overview that she posts, I just started typing in my last paper. This time I set everything up, put it into place, and typed in a very flowing manner; hoping to God and everyone else that it would just make sense! I hope all of you guys had a good experience with this assignment. I could tell that you all worked hard as well! I love it when people truly genuinely CARE. I think that makes the world of difference, and you can really tell when someone is writing about something of which they are passionate. His/her voice just shines right through it! Anyway, I cannot wait to recieve the results from this paper, wishes of A's for everyone!! :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I was please with the grade I received on my first paper. I agreed with overall comments on what I need to improve on. I always had hard time with transitions in the paragraphs. I plan to improve by the end of the course. I was having a lot of trouble with my argument essay. I misunderstood the direction of the assignment. I actually wrote my paper over and had to stay up until 5am to complete it. I'm nervous about the final outcome and what my group members will critize. I do plan to go to the writing center this week and work on it until I feel confident. :]


I will admit that after the class we had last Tuesday about the first essay, I was extremely nervous! As you guys knew, I was very frustrated with with the draft and was not very confident about it. After hearing all the constructive criticism that Mrs. Marshall gave us about our essays, I kept getting the feeling that I did it all wrong. As she handed me my paper I was so shocked to see that I got an A! I was so relieved, proud, and excited! Her commentary made me feel so good about myself because she wrote things like "beautiful transitions and flowed wonderfully." Now that I have the first paper out of the way, I feel more confident about my ability to write. I know that I need to work on my spelling and grammar but that will come with practice. Every free write, exercise and draft I feel like I am slowly becoming a better writer. Although, I must say that when writing the last draft I was rambling on and do not know how organized everything was. I really would like a lot of feedback with this essay to help me better myself as a writer!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I just submitted my draft with hopes of a better grade this time. To be completely honest with you guys, I was so disappointed with my last grade. I wanted to cry! As silly as it may sound. I worked so hard with this draft. My goal was perfection. I sent you all the paper and I hope I get a TON of feedback on what to improve. I have been stressing myself out entirely too much over this paper strictly due on my grade of the previous paper. I have honestly written FOUR rough drafts in competition of which one was better. Writing has always been my escape from the world, but this last paper turned it into my enemy. I know this sounds so negative and awful, but I guess I really just needed an opportunity to vent! In the last draft, I think I only used two quotes!!! Which is a great improvement for me. I basically live by quotes. If y'all could see my bedroom you would know exactly what I mean. I have gone through at least three notebooks of my favorite quotes written out. & I send, what my friends like to call, the good morning message to over 300 people daily!! I have been doing this since my 8th grade year. It is just an inspirational quote that I share with everyone to get their day started right. If yall would like me to add you to the list, just let me know! :) anyway, I hope this last draft is pure success.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Argument Essay

Okay, so I just finished writing my Argument Essay rough draft. I decided to try the web pre-writing technique that we learned in class the other day, and I feel soooooo GREAT about my paper ! I broke down all of the questions that she told us to discuss in our essay, I wrote answers and supporting details to each, and then organized it based on how I wanted it in my paper. I then did something I haven't done in a while, I hand wrote my rough draft before typing it. I realized that this way I didn't feel like my work was final, and I was able to get friends input and use pen to make corrections on my own paper. After doing all of that I then typed my paper which only took me about 20 minutes, because my paper was already done. Im really looking forward to you guys reading and peer reviewing my paper, becuase I feel really confident about it this time ! I hope you guys enjoy reading it & hopefully I get an "A" this time ! (:

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pre-Writing !

I'm really glad that in class we're focusing on prewriting because that is something that I don't do very often, and it actually helps when writing a paper. When I do prewrite sometimes, I usually do the bubble/web type setup. I am really good at picking a topic and coming up with general ideas. Coming up with supporting details is sometimes the hard part. I am learning how to organize my thoughts better on paper before I even begin writing, in hopes that my papers come out better !

On this blog I really want to talk about a particular free write we did in class. It really meant a lot to me and I actually enjoyed writing the little bit that I did. I feel like what I wrote in the few minutes that we had was fairly well written and I would very much appreciate some feedback on it just to better my own writing. PLEASE comment and let me know what I can fix! Anything from grammatical errors to changing the language that it is written in.
"Everywhere you look pop-culture is trying to mold society's mind into what it sees fit. Billboards with little-clothed, skinny, blonde women. Magazines advertising makeup to young women to make them look beautiful. Television to tell young men they are not built enough. Most of society goes about their everyday lives unbeknownst to the leech living inside their head. Telling them what to do, how to act and what to wear. A select few rise above and think for themselves. Immanuel Kant, a famous philosopher, once referred to thinking for oneself as Enlightenment. He described Enlightenment as being something only for the strong-willed. Kant expressed his hopes that someday society will become Enlightened as a whole and come out from under the shadow of pop-culture."
I just recently studied this topic in my Philosophy class and I think that that is what inspired me to write something that I thought was meaningful. Have a good day girls!


At first, I was a very unhappy with my draft and felt like I did not fulfill the assignment's requirements. I was frustrated at it and was nervous about my group members reading my paper because of the criticism I would get. Turns out that they all had great things to say about my paper, and made me realize that I need to be proud of my work. Although I may not be satisfied with it, others may find joy in reading it. I got really positive review with the exception of a few minor errors. I now know that I should write with confidence and not second guess my work. I am glad that we got to read others papers and have them read ours! I also know that I have a long way to go with my grammar and spelling but I realize that it will get better the more I write. I am going to try to write more often in proper English, instead of facebook/texting slang. When people write proper they come of more intellegent and less lazy. Therefore, I am going to do my best to practice my grammar and spelling through normal means of communication!

Passion :)

My experience with writing this week could be summed up with one word: passion. Ralph Waldo Emerson said "Passion, though a bad regulator, is a powerful spring. Because writing is an outlet for me, I do not mind doing it. There are always day when I have no motivation, but once I finally start a paper, I am so glad that I did. It gives me a sense of accomplishment, of productivity. I feel like I used this God-given day for a purpose. This week I wrote a total of about five papers that are all due today, so wish me luck girls! In all of my papers, I try to include a meaningful quote that sit right in, like a cherry upon the top. But I found a quote today, basically saying "I live my life for me, not through other's quotations." It really hit me kind of hard, because I have always been a quote-junkie. Whether preaching them, or taking them as my own advice. Is it bad to take advice from quotes? Oh Jeeze, now the over-analyzation process will take over... We're supposed to be learning about a new paper today called the "My Argument." I hope it will be a fun one; I love persuasive papers! Well have a great day! :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Hola :]
time to bloggg...again...
so the readings we are assigned to do seem like they will be very helpful to future writing assignments. writing arguments based on facts and reason is something i am actually good at.. rather then creative writing. Even tho i struggle with creative writing I feel like I did pretty well on our first essay, "It Speaks to me". I was really happy about all the feed back my group members gave me. They were very helpful. One of the things I have noticed that I need to improve on in my essays is the organization. Brainstorming, by just writing few thoughts in bullet points, will really help.