Wednesday, August 25, 2010


It was very hard to fine the time to work on the assignment, because of my two jobs. When I did find the time, I couldn't focus on it at alllllll. I really feel like I could have done a lot better with it. Over all I really enjoyed doing the assignment and reading everyone’s paper!


I did not feel confident in the rough draft that I wrote for the "It Speaks To Me" essay. I had such a difficult time picking the song because I enjoy music so much and could not narrow down my decision. Looking back on it, I felt like I should have picked a different song. Possibly "Mr. Officer" by Citizen Cope? Who knows.
So I am supposed to edit these papers for "organization and clarity"..... I do not consider myself a strong writer. How am I supposed to be able to edit someone elses paper when I do not even feel confident in my own writing skills? I think this class is going to be difficult for me. I enjoy writing but only about what I want to write about. I think that we should be allowed to write about things other than class and class assignments on this blog.
With recent happenings in my life, writing is going to be a lot more difficult for me to do. The voice that comes out in my writing usually reflects how I am feeling. I am not very good at hiding my emotions. However I will try my best to write with a level head and stay focused on the task at hand.
Oh and if it is not too much to ask I would really really appreciate it if someone were to look over my rough draft for "organization and clarity." If not, it is no big deal since im supposedly supposed to be an "expert" on the subject.
I am hoping that this class will teach me a lot more about writing. I am a very good reader but for some reason I have difficulty putting my thoughts into words. I am actually struggling right now to come up with these 250 words we have to write.
Nevermind!! I just did a word count... over 250. woo! goodnight girls.

Variety is the key to perfection! :)

I just love writing, in general. I love grammar and I love expressing my ideas, thoughts, and theories. I really enjoyed this project because I listen to so many different varieties of music and choosing what genre was probably the most difficult task of this assignment. My top choices were "Born to Fly" by Sara Evans, "Crash into Me" by Dave Matthews, and "Wait 'til You See My Smile" by Alicia Keys." With listening to such a broad choice of music, I never become annoyed by over-played songs. I always have a different play-list playing every week. So while having the predicament of choosing which song to dissect in this paper, I had ALL of my play-lists on repeat until I found a song that had a certain spark, or literally "spoke to me!" I feel confident with my choice and how relatable it is to the experiences that have been a part of my journey thus far in life.I love songs that give you power and self-assurance. Alicia Keys is someone I really admire and I love being able to show how much she truly inspires. She constantly gives to society and affects people's lives on a daily basis. I find it quite incredible! I hope I recieve positive feedback and suggestions on how to make my writing effective in the Peer Review! I am kind of a perfectionist when it comes to grammar, so I hope no one is offended by my corrections or suggestions. Oh, & if it is not too much of a hassle would someone please check my paper for grammatical misusage as well? Thanks girls! :)


Although the first essay "It Speaks to Me" should have been fairly easy since it was about me, I found that I had a hard time with it. I feel like it was not one of my best writing moments and it truly frustrated me. I think I have a difficult time expressing what something means to me in essay format. I am usually one to always organize my papers in a tri-thesis format but I could not find a way to carry that out through this assignment. I feel like my paper was very unorganized and my thoughts were scattered. With that being said, I really hope the Peer Review will help me drastically improve my paper. I cant wait to hear what everyone has to say!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Music is my Passion ! ♥(:

I really enjoyed writing the "Speaks To Me Essay". Music is probably one of my biggest passions. I listen to different types of music all day everyday. No matter what song I'm listening to, I always feel like there is some type of feeling that the artist is trying to get me to feel. When I listen to Babyface, Brian McKnight, or Robin Thicke I feel kind of lovey dovey butterflies in my tummy type mood. Where when I listen to Gucci or 2pac I feel really hype and happy. On the other hand when I listen to Joss Stone and Paramore I feel really chill and calm. For my essay I picked Micheal Jackson's song "Man In The Mirror", because I feel that the song had alot of meaning to it. Im a HUGE Micheal Jackson fan because his music is able to make me feel every emotion. Sometimes I feel angry from listening to his songs, while other times I feel curious or happy. All in all , I really enjoyed writing an essay on something that I can easily relate to and love, music ! (: