Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Yay we all are finally finished with blogging and most importantly!.....PAPERS!!! ... Well at least until English 1102 starts! lol I'm still struggling with my final paper but hopefully after my one on one with ms. Marshall I will know what to improve on... and hopefully it will help me finalize my paper once and for all!!! this class definitely helped me improve as a writer! specially the creative part of writing! I cant wait to see my final grade for this class! I'm excited but nervous at the same time. I feel like this paper could either make or break me... well shall see lol. BYE BYE blogg

Our LAST Blog !

I am so excited that this is my last blog for English 1101 and that I dont have to try to remind myself ever week to complete this by Thursday ! Anyway, after having my one-on-one confrence with Mrs.Marshall I knew exactly what I needed to do to get a 'A' on this paper. My "research paper" seems to be lacking in the research part. I plan on visiting the library for my first time tomorrow in hope that they can help me figure out what and where to add research in my paper. After that I plan on visiting the writing center atleast two times before I turn my paper in Tuesday! I am actually feeling really confident that I'm going to get an 'A'. I know what needs to be done and now im about to get'er done ! Love you girls ! (:


Ahhh! Ha this is our last blog entry :)
I am glad that we had the one-on-one time with Ms. Marshall to discuss our final papers. I think that it will really help me when i go to edit my paper. I have realized that one of my week spots is transitions. Reading over my paper I now see how choppy each of my paragraphs are. But luckily, there is nothing extremely wrong with the basis and concepts of my paper, which makes me feel somewhat confident. :)
Overall, I think that my writing has progressed a lot through this semester. I went back and read my first paper and saw many things that I would have done differently. So in the future I know that my writing will continue to get even stronger. Maybe one day I will even learn grammar! But I doubt it... haha I only have to make it through one more semester of english because I am a biology major. It will be great though!
So here's to a great future of imporvement in writing!
Good bye blog :)